In an emergency The rapidly deployable WasteStation™ can process a wide variety of debris.

Disasters Create Large Waste Streams
Solid Waste
Disasters typically generate up to fifteen years worth of a community's solid waste over a few days, overwhelming day-to-day solid waste operations and leading to years of disruption.
Environmental Damage
Post-disaster environmental damage is often exacerbated by the absence of effective mechanisms to dispose of the medical and other hazardous waste generated by emergency response operations.
Debris Removal
FEMA estimates that debris removal accounted for 27% of their total disaster response costs.
Uncontrolled Dumping
Collected waste that is stored in unmanaged piles results in increased risk of contamination of water supplies. This unmanaged waste hampers disaster recovery efforts, poses serious public health risks, impedes access to affected areas and restricts reconstruction efforts.
WasteStation™ Features
Rapidly Deployable
The WasteStation™ can be quickly transported to any site and maneuvered into tight spots for rapid deployment during an emergency. It can be easily set up and operating in a matter of hours.
Rugged, Easy to Load and Unload
The WasteStation™ is designed with a large load door to ensure easy, quick loading. Easily processes multiple waste streams with no sorting, shredding or other waste prep required. The remaining ash is easily unloaded via the ash door.
Modular and Expandable
Multiple (up to three) waste modules with capacities up to 18 cubic yards can be deployed while retaining low space requirements.
Low Noise
With few moving parts The WasteStation™ emits very little noise, making it neighborhood friendly for 24/7 operation during disaster cleanup.

The WasteStation™ is the perfect disaster response solution.

The WasteStation™ is easily deployable after a hurricane, tornado or flood and can process a wide array of material like, tree limbs, construction debris and household products.
The WasteStation™ can be transported to site and installed within 1-3 days.
Energy options can be added on to provide electricity or heat/hot water.

With state-of-the-art automation, operations is as easy as the touch of a button.

Open Pit Burning Environmental Impact
The United States EPA recognizes the harmful effects of open pit burning and warns that they are a considerable source of fine-particle air pollution (particulate matter).
The WasteStation™ is designed so that the production of airborne "fly-ash" particles are kept to a minimum ensuring complete destruction of debris resulting in low emission, environmentally friendly waste destruction.